
Two Books with Horrible Dating Advice

When I was single, I hated dating—which is probably why I didn’t do much of it. There are so many unspoken rules, and girls play games, and it’s enough to make you want to become a celibate monk. Okay, it’s not quite that bad. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to find the right girl, and the rest is history.

Raven: My year of dating dangerously - Monica Porter

Raven: My year of dating dangerously – Monica Porter

But even though my “game” probably sucked, I knew some common rules of dating. I mean, the really, really basic do’s and don’ts.

The same can’t be said for some of these characters from literature. These guys and girls really knew how to screw up some relationships.

Here’s the type of advice they might give you based on their stories.

“Girly, spineless men are the most attractive kind of men. Obsess over them, and never stop obsessing over them.”

–Scarlett O’Hara (Gone With The Wind)

We all know Rhett Butler had serious game. You know who had terrible game? Ashley Wilkes, the man whom Scarlett spends almost the entirety of Gone With The Wind obsessing over. She’s the worst. She’s the literal worst.

“If you stalk her enough, she’ll eventually love you.”

–Gatsby (The Great Gatsby)

Textbook Romance - Zoe Foster

Textbook Romance – Zoe Foster

Ladies, if you knew that a dude built his house across the lake just so he could stand on a dock and longingly stare at a light on your dock, and if you knew that same dude threw million dollar parties in hopes you’d show up, and if you also knew that same dude liked to hide in the bushes outside your house, wouldn’t you just fall head over heels in love? Or maybe you’d just call the police. It’s a miracle Daisy never had a restraining order put out on Gatsby.

Ladies, if you knew that a dude built his house across the lake just so he could stand on a dock and longingly stare at a light on your dock, and if you knew that same dude threw million dollar parties in hopes you’d show up, and if you also knew that same dude liked to hide in the bushes outside your house, wouldn’t you just fall head over heels in love? Or maybe you’d just call the police. It’s a miracle Daisy never had a restraining order put out on Gatsby.

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아르고나인미디어그룹 대표 국내 최초로 매직아이, 스도쿠, 글자 나오는 미로찾기를 개발했으며 다양한 직종을 넘나들었다. 대한민국 프레젠테이션 대회 1, 2회 심사위원, 공인 LEGOⓡ SERIOUS PLAYⓡ 퍼실리테이터로 ZDNET, LG전자, LG전자연구소, LG인화원, 삼성전자디자인센터, 존슨앤존슨, 현대카드 등 기업에서 온라인마케팅, 경영전략, 혁신제품개발, 웹서비스, 앱서비스 개발에 관련된 강의를 하고 있다. 『인도 베다수학』, 『매일매일 두뇌트레이닝 스도쿠 365 시리즈』, 『매일매일 두뇌 트레이닝 매직아이』 등 200여 종의 도서를 출간하였다.

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